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Everything You Should Know About Side-Effects Of Lash Extension Glue!

Writer: Spring AlwaysSpring Always

Everyone understands how essential lash adhesive is to our work. When it comes to lash adhesive, it's not always crucial to use the best glue or the correct kind of glue. That knowledge is important, but you know what's even more important? your health.

If you inhale lash extension glue vapors, your health and the health of your clients could both suffer grave consequences.

As a result, this article will cover the potential health concerns of lash adhesives as well as safety measures you can take.

The Ingredients Of Eyelash Extension Glue!

Many components are used to create the adhesive for eyelashes. Two of the substances might be extremely harmful to human health.

First is cyanoacrylate, a substance. These kinds of components are utilized to create adhesives with a rapid setting time. The lash adhesive solidifies in a split second due to the cyanoacrylate component.

Although it isn't actually in the lash adhesive, formaldehyde is released as your glue dries. Even though your adhesive may be "formaldehyde-free," you are nonetheless insecure. However, any lash glue that contains cyanoacrylate (which currently includes all of them) will produce formaldehyde when it solidifies, despite the fact that businesses prefer to claim that their products are formaldehyde-free because it sounds healthier.

As a result, you may still experience all of the negative effects even if your eyelash adhesive doesn't contain formaldehyde.

The History Of Cyanoacrylate!

During the Vietnam War in 1966, one of the earliest documented uses of cyanoacrylate was as a temporary wound closure to halt bleeding until injured soldiers could be sent to a hospital.

Cyanoacrylate has been used therapeutically outside of the United States since the 1970s due to its propensity to irritate the skin, although the Food and Drug Administration did not approve its use as a medical adhesive until 1998.

Now that there are studies to back it up, it is reasonable to say that cyanoacrylate is a faster, more successful, and ultimately more aesthetically pleasing technique of wound closure than sutures.

The Side Effects Of Lash Extension Glue!

Cyanoacrylate may be our secret weapon for establishing lashes, but it also has some negative side effects:

  • Your respiratory system (nose, throat, lungs, eyes) may become irritated by it.

  • If it comes in contact with your skin, an allergic reaction can occur.

  • It may result in flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, runny nose, and sluggishness.

  • It may result in dry or scratchy eyes.

  • It may result in headaches or dizziness.

  • It might make you sick.

  • You can have difficulty breathing as a result.

How To Protect Yourself From Lash Extension Glue?

  1. You and your customer are only being protected from your unpleasant breath by your paper mask.

Wearing a mask with a charcoal filter is the only way to ensure your safety. A VOC gas or vapor mask is among the suggested masks. To extend the life of your filter cartridges, the filter in your mask needs to be changed every three to four customers.

It is advised to use the 3M Rugged Comfort Half Facepiece Reusable Respirator and the 3M 6000 Series Gas/Vapour Respirator Cartridges.

2. Ensure that your workspace is spacious and well-lit. You would be able to breathe more safely as a result, and it will also look wonderful.

Open your studio's windows and doors after each customer to let the fumes go. Utilize an air purifier with a carbon filter to keep the air in your surroundings as pure as possible.

Invest in a fume extraction apparatus if you can. You'll be glad you did it for your lungs. The Whisper Salon Source Capture System for Lash Artists is highly recommended.

3. In between clients, wash your face to remove impurities and keep your body clean and healthy.

Make sure your work gear has long sleeves to prevent baring skin and change out of those clothes once the workweek is through. After lashing, wash your hair in the shower.

Finally, take a stroll outside in the fresh air between clients. Your body (and thoughts) will start to alter.

How To Store Eyelash Extension Glue?

Apply a tiny, thin droplet of eye lash extension glue adhesive to a flat surface, such as a cool crystal stone, first for best results. Because the edges will polymerize more quickly, it is best to dip the lash into the middle of the puddle rather than the edges for a uniform application. Every 20 to 30 minutes, swap out your drop for a fresh one to make sure you're utilizing fresh glue.

To avoid "drying out" or setting, store the glue upright in an airtight container far from any internal heating and cooling systems in a cold, dark cupboard. Every 7-8 weeks or when the glue starts to string up, replace the adhesive.

In The End!

The most valuable asset of your business is ultimately YOU. Nothing will help, not even your tweezers, lash extension glue, or eyelashes. YOU.

Consider yourself more significant than your clients or the tools you require to run your company.

If you look after your health and yourself better, you'll be able to continue giving the world your amazing lash game for a longer period of time.


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